Bond. Phanpy Bond.

Rock Climb - Pokémon Move

The Pokémon move Rock Climb. Information on which Pokémon are able to learn the move as well as its description can be found below, organized by name and generation. For a complete list of all the Pokémon moves, check out our complete move list.

  • Rock Climb
  • normal
  • Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def
  • Power: 90
  • PP: 20
  • Accuracy: 85%
The user attacks the target by smashing into it with incredible force. This may also confuse the target.

Learnt By Leveling Up

Name DiaPea Pla HeaSou BlaWhi B2W2 XY
Venipede lvl 40 lvl 40 lvl 40
Whirlipede lvl 46 lvl 46 lvl 46
Scolipede lvl 50 lvl 50 lvl 50
Scraggy lvl 45 lvl 45 lvl 45
Scrafty lvl 51 lvl 51 lvl 51
Ferrothorn Basic Basic Basic
Druddigon lvl 49 lvl 49 lvl 49

Learnt By HM (Hidden Machine)

Name DiaPea Pla HeaSou
Venusaur HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Blastoise HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Sandshrew HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Sandslash HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Nidoqueen HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Nidoking HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Golduck HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Mankey HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Primeape HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Arcanine HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Poliwrath HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Machop HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Machoke HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Machamp HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Geodude HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Graveler HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Golem HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Onix HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Cubone HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Marowak HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Hitmonlee HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Hitmonchan HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Lickitung HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Rhyhorn HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Rhydon HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Chansey HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Kangaskhan HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Electabuzz HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Magmar HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Pinsir HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Tauros HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Omastar HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Kabutops HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Snorlax HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Mewtwo HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Mew HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Meganium HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Typhlosion HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Feraligatr HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Ampharos HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Steelix HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Granbull HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Ursaring HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Blissey HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Raikou HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Entei HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Suicune HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Tyranitar HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Sceptile HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Blaziken HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Swampert HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Ludicolo HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Vigoroth HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Slaking HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Exploud HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Makuhita HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Hariyama HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Aggron HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Zangoose HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Regirock HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Regice HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Registeel HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Groudon HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Turtwig HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Grotle HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Torterra HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Chimchar HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Monferno HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Infernape HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Empoleon HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Bibarel HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Cranidos HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Rampardos HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Gible HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Gabite HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Garchomp HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Munchlax HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Lucario HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Drapion HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Croagunk HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Toxicroak HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Abomasnow HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Lickilicky HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Rhyperior HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Electivire HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Magmortar HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Mamoswine HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Heatran HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Regigigas HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Giratina HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Darkrai HM 08 HM 08 HM 08
Arceus HM 08 HM 08 HM 08

Learnt By Egg Hatching