You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, Wormadam?

The Grass Type Pokémon List

All Grass type Pokémon are displayed in the table below. Sorting is available to filter out type combinations. Click a type in the filter below will show all Pokémon that have the Grass type as well as whatever type you clicked. To view only Grass Pokémon, click Grass in the sort menu. If no Pokémon appear in the list, it means that combination does not exist (yet!).

  • Click rows below to select them.
There are 84 Pokémon that are currently shown in the table.
Name Type(s) HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed Total
Bulbasaur gra poi 45 49 49 65 65 45 318
Ivysaur gra poi 60 62 63 80 80 60 405
Venusaur gra poi 80 82 83 100 100 80 525
Oddish gra poi 45 50 55 75 65 30 320
Gloom gra poi 60 65 70 85 75 40 395
Vileplume gra poi 75 80 85 110 90 50 490
Paras bug gra 35 70 55 45 55 25 285
Parasect bug gra 60 95 80 60 80 30 405
Bellsprout gra poi 50 75 35 70 30 40 300
Weepinbell gra poi 65 90 50 85 45 55 390
Victreebel gra poi 80 105 65 100 70 70 490
Exeggcute gra psy 60 40 80 60 45 40 325
Exeggutor gra psy 95 95 85 125 65 55 520
Tangela gra - 65 55 115 100 40 60 435
Chikorita gra - 45 49 65 49 65 45 318
Bayleef gra - 60 62 80 63 80 60 405
Meganium gra - 80 82 100 83 100 80 525
Bellossom gra - 75 80 95 90 100 50 490
Hoppip gra fly 35 35 40 35 55 50 250
Skiploom gra fly 55 45 50 45 65 80 340
Jumpluff gra fly 75 55 70 55 95 110 460
Sunkern gra - 30 30 30 30 30 30 180
Sunflora gra - 75 75 55 105 85 30 425
Celebi psy gra 100 100 100 100 100 100 600
Treecko gra - 40 45 35 65 55 70 310
Grovyle gra - 50 65 45 85 65 95 405
Sceptile gra - 70 85 65 105 85 120 530
Lotad wat gra 40 30 30 40 50 30 220
Lombre wat gra 60 50 50 60 70 50 340
Ludicolo wat gra 80 70 70 90 100 70 480
Seedot gra - 40 40 50 30 30 30 220
Nuzleaf gra dar 70 70 40 60 40 60 340
Shiftry gra dar 90 100 60 90 60 80 480
Shroomish gra - 60 40 60 40 60 35 295
Breloom gra fig 60 130 80 60 60 70 460
Roselia gra poi 50 60 45 100 80 65 400
Cacnea gra - 50 85 40 85 40 35 335
Cacturne gra dar 70 115 60 115 60 55 475
Lileep roc gra 66 41 77 61 87 23 355
Cradily roc gra 86 81 97 81 107 43 495
Tropius gra fly 99 68 83 72 87 51 460
Turtwig gra - 55 68 64 45 55 31 318
Grotle gra - 75 89 85 55 65 36 405
Torterra gra gro 95 109 105 75 85 56 525
Budew gra poi 40 30 35 50 70 55 280
Roserade gra poi 60 70 65 125 105 90 515
Wormadam bug gra 60 59 85 79 105 36 424
Cherubi gra - 45 35 45 62 53 35 275
Cherrim gra - 70 60 70 87 78 85 450
Carnivine gra - 74 100 72 90 72 46 454
Snover gra ice 60 62 50 62 60 40 334
Abomasnow gra ice 90 92 75 92 85 60 494
Tangrowth gra - 100 100 125 110 50 50 535
Leafeon gra - 65 110 130 60 65 95 525
Shaymin gra - 100 100 100 100 100 100 600
Snivy gra - 45 45 55 45 55 63 308
Servine gra - 60 60 75 60 75 83 413
Serperior gra - 75 75 95 75 95 113 528
Pansage gra - 50 53 48 53 48 64 316
Simisage gra - 75 98 63 98 63 101 498
Sewaddle bug gra 45 53 70 40 60 42 310
Swadloon bug gra 55 63 90 50 80 42 380
Leavanny bug gra 75 103 80 70 80 92 500
Cottonee gra fai 40 27 60 37 50 66 280
Whimsicott gra fai 60 67 85 77 75 116 480
Petilil gra - 45 35 50 70 50 30 280
Lilligant gra - 70 60 75 110 75 90 480
Maractus gra - 75 86 67 106 67 60 461
Deerling nor gra 60 60 50 40 50 75 335
Sawsbuck nor gra 80 100 70 60 70 95 475
Foongus gra poi 69 55 45 55 55 15 294
Amoonguss gra poi 114 85 70 85 80 30 464
Ferroseed gra ste 44 50 91 24 86 10 305
Ferrothorn gra ste 74 94 131 54 116 20 489
Virizion gra fig 91 90 72 90 129 108 580
Chespin gra - 56 61 65 48 45 38 313
Quilladin gra - 61 78 95 56 58 57 405
Chesnaught gra fig 88 107 122 74 75 64 530
Skiddo gra - 66 65 48 62 57 52 350
Gogoat gra - 123 100 62 97 81 68 531
Phantump gho gra 43 70 48 50 60 38 309
Trevenant gho gra 85 110 76 65 82 56 474
Pumpkaboo gho gra 49 66 70 44 55 51 335
Gourgeist gho gra 65 90 122 58 75 84 494