I dreamt I was a Gloom.

Ghost Type Match-Up Chart

This table contains the type match-ups for all of the different Pokémon types and attack types. Follow the attack type down the left side with the defending Pokémon type along the top. A legend is provided below. If you are looking for match-ups with single-type Pokémon, try our Single Type Match-Up Chart page.

Key for Ghost Types
Normal Damage Double (+) Quadruple (++) Half (-) Quarter (--) No Damage (×)
Defending Pokémon Types
gho gho gho gho gho gho gho gho gho gho gho gho gho gho gho gho gho
nor fir wat ele gra ice fig poi gro fly psy bug roc gho dra dar ste fai
Attack Type
Normal × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
Fire - - + + + - - +
Water + - - + + -
Electric + - - × + -
Grass - + - - + - - + - -
Ice - - + - + + + -
Fighting × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
Poison - - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - ×
Ground + + - + × - + +
Flying - + + + - -
Psychic + + - × -
Bug - -- - - - -- -- - -- - - - - -- --
Rock + + - - + + -
Ghost × + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + +
Dragon + - ×
Dark + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + +
Steel - - - + + - +
Fairy - + - + + -
  • Ghost / 


    • No Effect From:
    • normal
    • fighting
    • ghost
    • 1/2 Damage From:
    • poison
    • bug
    • 2x Damage From:
    • dark
  • Ghost / 


    • No Effect From:
    • normal
    • fighting
    • 1/4 Damage From:
    • bug
    • 1/2 Damage From:
    • fire
    • grass
    • ice
    • poison
    • steel
    • fairy
    • 2x Damage From:
    • water
    • ground
    • rock
    • ghost
    • dark
  • Ghost / 


    • No Effect From:
    • normal
    • fighting
    • 1/2 Damage From:
    • fire
    • water
    • ice
    • poison
    • bug
    • steel
    • 2x Damage From:
    • electric
    • grass
    • ghost
    • dark
  • Ghost / 


    • No Effect From:
    • normal
    • fighting
    • 1/2 Damage From:
    • electric
    • poison
    • flying
    • bug
    • steel
    • 2x Damage From:
    • ground
    • ghost
    • dark
  • Ghost / 


    • No Effect From:
    • normal
    • fighting
    • 1/2 Damage From:
    • water
    • electric
    • grass
    • ground
    • 2x Damage From:
    • fire
    • ice
    • flying
    • ghost
    • dark
  • Ghost / 


    • No Effect From:
    • normal
    • fighting
    • 1/2 Damage From:
    • ice
    • poison
    • bug
    • 2x Damage From:
    • fire
    • rock
    • ghost
    • dark
    • steel
  • Ghost / 


    • No Effect From:
    • normal
    • fighting
    • 1/4 Damage From:
    • bug
    • 1/2 Damage From:
    • poison
    • rock
    • 2x Damage From:
    • flying
    • psychic
    • ghost
    • fairy
  • Ghost / 


    • No Effect From:
    • normal
    • fighting
    • 1/4 Damage From:
    • poison
    • bug
    • 1/2 Damage From:
    • grass
    • fairy
    • 2x Damage From:
    • ground
    • psychic
    • ghost
    • dark
  • Ghost / 


    • No Effect From:
    • normal
    • electric
    • fighting
    • 1/4 Damage From:
    • poison
    • 1/2 Damage From:
    • bug
    • rock
    • 2x Damage From:
    • water
    • grass
    • ice
    • ghost
    • dark
  • Ghost / 


    • No Effect From:
    • normal
    • fighting
    • ground
    • 1/4 Damage From:
    • bug
    • 1/2 Damage From:
    • grass
    • poison
    • 2x Damage From:
    • electric
    • ice
    • rock
    • ghost
    • dark
  • Ghost / 


    • No Effect From:
    • normal
    • fighting
    • 1/2 Damage From:
    • poison
    • psychic
    • 4x Damage From:
    • ghost
    • dark
  • Ghost / 


    • No Effect From:
    • normal
    • fighting
    • 1/2 Damage From:
    • grass
    • poison
    • ground
    • bug
    • 2x Damage From:
    • fire
    • flying
    • rock
    • ghost
    • dark
  • Ghost / 


    • No Effect From:
    • normal
    • fighting
    • 1/4 Damage From:
    • poison
    • 1/2 Damage From:
    • fire
    • flying
    • bug
    • 2x Damage From:
    • water
    • grass
    • ground
    • ghost
    • dark
    • steel
  • Ghost

    • No Effect From:
    • normal
    • fighting
    • 1/2 Damage From:
    • poison
    • bug
    • 2x Damage From:
    • ghost
    • dark
  • Ghost / 


    • No Effect From:
    • normal
    • fighting
    • 1/2 Damage From:
    • fire
    • water
    • electric
    • grass
    • poison
    • bug
    • 2x Damage From:
    • ice
    • ghost
    • dragon
    • dark
    • fairy
  • Ghost / 


    • No Effect From:
    • normal
    • fighting
    • psychic
    • 1/2 Damage From:
    • poison
    • 2x Damage From:
    • fairy
  • Ghost / 


    • No Effect From:
    • normal
    • fighting
    • poison
    • 1/4 Damage From:
    • bug
    • 1/2 Damage From:
    • grass
    • ice
    • flying
    • psychic
    • rock
    • dragon
    • steel
    • fairy
    • 2x Damage From:
    • fire
    • ground
    • ghost
    • dark
  • Ghost / 


    • No Effect From:
    • normal
    • fighting
    • dragon
    • 1/4 Damage From:
    • bug
    • 2x Damage From:
    • ghost
    • steel