All your Barboach are belong to us.

Drain Punch - Pokémon Move

The Pokémon move Drain Punch. Information on which Pokémon are able to learn the move as well as its description can be found below, organized by name and generation. For a complete list of all the Pokémon moves, check out our complete move list.

  • Drain Punch
  • fighting
  • Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def
  • Power: 75
  • PP: 10
  • Accuracy: 100%
An energy-draining punch. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.

Learnt By Leveling Up

Name DiaPea Pla HeaSou BlaWhi B2W2 XY
Seismitoad lvl 44 lvl 44 lvl 44
Mienfoo lvl 33 lvl 33 lvl 33
Mienshao lvl 33 lvl 33 lvl 33

Learnt By TM (Technical Machine)

Name DiaPea Pla HeaSou
Clefairy TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Clefable TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Jigglypuff TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Wigglytuff TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Gloom TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Vileplume TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Abra TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Kadabra TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Alakazam TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Slowbro TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Gengar TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Drowzee TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Hypno TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Hitmonchan TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Chansey TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Kangaskhan TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Mr. Mime TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Jynx TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Mewtwo TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Mew TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Ledyba TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Ledian TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Togetic TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Bellossom TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Slowking TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Blissey TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Treecko TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Grovyle TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Sceptile TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Lombre TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Ludicolo TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Breloom TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Meditite TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Medicham TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Grumpig TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Spinda TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Cacnea TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Cacturne TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Kecleon TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Regirock TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Jirachi TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Deoxys TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Buneary TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Lopunny TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Mime Jr. TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Happiny TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Riolu TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Lucario TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Togekiss TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Gallade TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Regigigas TM 60 TM 60 TM 60
Darkrai TM 60 TM 60 TM 60

Learnt By Egg Hatching

Name DiaPea Pla HeaSou BlaWhi B2W2 XY

Learnt By Move Tutor