I can show you the world... Shining, shimmering, Tornadus.


The Sword Pokémon

Height: 2'7" (0.8m) Weight: 9.9lbs (4.5kg)


  • N: #680
  • K(Ctrl): #118
  • Doublade's Damage Multipliers

  • Doublade's Base Stats

    • HP
    • Attack
    • Defense
    • Sp. Attack
    • Sp. Defense
    • Speed
    • Total:
  • Doublade Evolution Chart

    Basic Stage 1 Stage 2
  • Doublade's Abilities

    • Gen VI
    No Guard Ensures attacks by or against the Pokémon land.
  • Doublade Level Up Move List

    • Gen VI
    xy Name Type PP Pwr. Acc. Class Definition
    13 Pursuit dar 20 40 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def Inflicts bad damage if used on a foe switching out.
    51 Sacred Sword fig 15 90 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user attacks by slicing with a long horn. The target's stat changes don?t affect this attack's damage.
    5 Fury Cutter bug 20 40 95% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The foe is slashed with scythes or claws. Its power increases if it hits in succession.
    41 Power Trick psy 10 - - No Damage. The user employs its psychic power to switch its Attack with its Defense stat.
    18 Autotomize ste 15 - - No Damage. The user sheds part of its body to make itself lighter and sharply raise its Speed stat.
    32 Iron Defense ste 15 - - No Damage. The user hardens its body's surface like iron, sharply raising its Defense stat.
    26 Retaliate nor 5 70 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user gets revenge for a fainted ally. If an ally fainted in the previous turn, this attack's damage increases.
    20 Shadow Sneak gho 30 40 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user extends its shadow and attacks the foe from behind. This move always goes first.
    29 Slash nor 20 70 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The target is attacked with a slash of claws or blades. Critical hits land more easily.
    22 Aerial Ace fly 20 60 - Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user confounds the target with speed, then slashes. The attack lands without fail.
    - Tackle nor 35 50 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def A full-body charge attack.
    - Swords Dance nor 20 - - No Damage. A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit. It sharply raises the user's Attack stat.
    36 Night Slash dar 15 70 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user slashes the target the instant an opportunity arises. Critical hits land more easily.
    8 Metal Sound ste 40 - 85% No Damage. Emits a horrible screech that sharply lowers SP. DEF.
    45 Iron Head ste 15 80 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The foe slams the target with its steel-hard head. It may also make the target flinch.
  • Doublade TM Move List

    • Gen VI
    xy Name Type PP Pwr. Acc. Class Definition
    TM040 Aerial Ace fly 20 60 - Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user confounds the target with speed, then slashes. The attack lands without fail.
    TM045 Attract nor 15 - 100% No Damage. If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack.
    TM031 Brick Break fig 15 75 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user attacks with a swift chop. It can also break any barrier such as Light Screen and Reflect.
    TM100 Confide nor 20 - - No Damage. The user tells the target a secret, and the target loses its ability to concentrate. This lowers the target's Sp. Atk stat.
    TM032 Double Team nor 15 - - No Damage. By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
    TM042 Facade nor 20 70 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack move that doubles its power if the user is poisoned, burned, or has paralysis.
    TM054 False Swipe nor 40 40 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def A restrained attack that prevents the target from fainting. The target is left with at least 1 HP.
    TM091 Flash Cannon ste 10 80 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The user gathers all its light energy and releases it at once. It may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
    TM021 Frustration nor 20 - 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def A full-power attack that grows more powerful the less the user likes its Trainer.
    TM074 Gyro Ball ste 5 - 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user tackles the foe with a high-speed spin. The slower the user, the greater the damage.
    TM010 Hidden Power nor 15 60 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def A unique attack that varies in type depending on the Pokémon using it.
    TM017 Protect nor 10 - - No Damage. Enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
    TM018 Rain Dance wat 5 - - No Damage. The user summons a heavy rain that falls for five turns, powering up Water-type moves.
    TM033 Reflect psy 20 - - No Damage. A wondrous wall of light is put up to suppress damage from physical attacks for five turns.
    TM044 Rest psy 10 - - No Damage. The user goes to sleep for two turns. This fully restores the user's HP and heals any status conditions.
    TM067 Retaliate nor 5 70 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user gets revenge for a fainted ally. If an ally fainted in the previous turn, this attack's damage increases.
    TM027 Return nor 20 - 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def A full power attack that grows more powerful the more the user likes its trainer.
    TM080 Rock Slide roc 10 75 90% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may cause flinching.
    TM094 Rock Smash fig 15 40 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may lower DEFENSE.
    TM065 Shadow Claw gho 15 70 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user slashes with a sharp claw made from shadows. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
    TM088 Sleep Talk nor 10 - - No Damage. While it is asleep, the user randomly uses one of the moves it knows.
    TM090 Substitute nor 10 - - No Damage. The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy serves as the user's decoy.
    TM087 Swagger nor 15 - 90% No Damage. The user enrages and confuses the target. However, this also sharply raises the target's Attack stat.
    TM075 Swords Dance nor 20 - - No Damage. A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit. It sharply raises the user's Attack stat.
    TM006 Toxic poi 10 - 90% No Damage. A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
  • Doublade HM Move List

    • Gen VI
    xy Name Type PP Pwr. Acc. Class Definition
    HM01 Cut nor 30 50 95% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The target is cut with a scythe or a claw. It can also be used to cut down thin trees.
  • Doublade Tutor Move List

    • Gen VI
    xy Name Type PP Pwr. Acc. Class Definition
    Doublade does learn any moves by tutoring.
  • Doublade Egg Move List

    Doublade does learn any moves by egg hatching.
  • Doublade's Egg Group