One small step for man, one giant Regice for mankind.

The Bug Type Pokémon List

All Bug type Pokémon are displayed in the table below. Sorting is available to filter out type combinations. Click a type in the filter below will show all Pokémon that have the Bug type as well as whatever type you clicked. To view only Bug Pokémon, click Bug in the sort menu. If no Pokémon appear in the list, it means that combination does not exist (yet!).

  • Click rows below to select them.
There are 66 Pokémon that are currently shown in the table.
Name Type(s) HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed Total
Caterpie bug - 45 30 35 20 20 45 195
Metapod bug - 50 20 55 25 25 30 205
Butterfree bug fly 60 45 50 90 80 70 395
Weedle bug poi 40 35 30 20 20 50 195
Kakuna bug poi 45 25 50 25 25 35 205
Beedrill bug poi 65 90 40 45 80 75 395
Paras bug gra 35 70 55 45 55 25 285
Parasect bug gra 60 95 80 60 80 30 405
Venonat bug poi 60 55 50 40 55 45 305
Venomoth bug poi 70 65 60 90 75 90 450
Scyther bug fly 70 110 80 55 80 105 500
Pinsir bug - 65 125 100 55 70 85 500
Ledyba bug fly 40 20 30 40 80 55 265
Ledian bug fly 55 35 50 55 110 85 390
Spinarak bug poi 40 60 40 40 40 30 250
Ariados bug poi 70 90 70 60 60 40 390
Yanma bug fly 65 65 45 75 45 95 390
Pineco bug - 50 65 90 35 35 15 290
Forretress bug ste 75 90 140 60 60 40 465
Scizor bug ste 70 130 100 55 80 65 500
Shuckle bug roc 20 10 230 10 230 5 505
Heracross bug fig 80 125 75 40 95 85 500
Wurmple bug - 45 45 35 20 30 20 195
Silcoon bug - 50 35 55 25 25 15 205
Beautifly bug fly 60 70 50 100 50 65 395
Cascoon bug - 50 35 55 25 25 15 205
Dustox bug poi 60 50 70 50 90 65 385
Surskit bug wat 40 30 32 50 52 65 269
Masquerain bug fly 70 60 62 80 82 60 414
Nincada bug gro 31 45 90 30 30 40 266
Ninjask bug fly 61 90 45 50 50 160 456
Shedinja bug gho 1 90 45 30 30 40 236
Volbeat bug - 65 73 55 47 75 85 400
Illumise bug - 65 47 55 73 75 85 400
Anorith roc bug 45 95 50 40 50 75 355
Armaldo roc bug 75 125 100 70 80 45 495
Kricketot bug - 37 25 41 25 41 25 194
Kricketune bug - 77 85 51 55 51 65 384
Burmy bug - 40 29 45 29 45 36 224
Wormadam bug gra 60 59 85 79 105 36 424
Mothim bug fly 70 94 50 94 50 66 424
Combee bug fly 30 30 42 30 42 70 244
Vespiquen bug fly 70 80 102 80 102 40 474
Skorupi poi bug 40 50 90 30 55 65 330
Yanmega bug fly 86 76 86 116 56 95 515
Sewaddle bug gra 45 53 70 40 60 42 310
Swadloon bug gra 55 63 90 50 80 42 380
Leavanny bug gra 75 103 80 70 80 92 500
Venipede bug poi 30 45 59 30 39 57 260
Whirlipede bug poi 40 55 99 40 79 47 360
Scolipede bug poi 60 100 89 55 69 112 485
Dwebble bug roc 50 65 85 35 35 55 325
Crustle bug roc 70 95 125 65 75 45 475
Karrablast bug - 50 75 45 40 45 60 315
Escavalier bug ste 70 135 105 60 105 20 495
Joltik bug ele 50 47 50 57 50 65 319
Galvantula bug ele 70 77 60 97 60 108 472
Shelmet bug - 50 40 85 40 65 25 305
Accelgor bug - 80 70 40 100 60 145 495
Durant bug ste 58 109 112 48 48 109 484
Larvesta bug fir 55 85 55 50 55 60 360
Volcarona bug fir 85 60 65 135 105 100 550
Genesect bug ste 71 120 95 120 95 99 600
Scatterbug bug - 38 35 40 27 25 35 200
Spewpa bug - 45 22 60 27 30 29 213
Vivillon bug fly 80 52 50 90 50 89 411