This Torterra are sick.

The Ground Type Pokémon List

All Ground type Pokémon are displayed in the table below. Sorting is available to filter out type combinations. Click a type in the filter below will show all Pokémon that have the Ground type as well as whatever type you clicked. To view only Ground Pokémon, click Ground in the sort menu. If no Pokémon appear in the list, it means that combination does not exist (yet!).

  • Click rows below to select them.
There are 60 Pokémon that are currently shown in the table.
Name Type(s) HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed Total
Sandshrew gro - 50 75 85 20 30 40 300
Sandslash gro - 75 100 110 45 55 65 450
Nidoqueen poi gro 90 92 87 75 85 76 505
Nidoking poi gro 81 102 77 85 75 85 505
Diglett gro - 10 55 25 35 45 95 265
Dugtrio gro - 35 80 50 50 70 120 405
Geodude roc gro 40 80 100 30 30 20 300
Graveler roc gro 55 95 115 45 45 35 390
Golem roc gro 80 120 130 55 65 45 495
Onix roc gro 35 45 160 30 45 70 385
Cubone gro - 50 50 95 40 50 35 320
Marowak gro - 60 80 110 50 80 45 425
Rhyhorn gro roc 80 85 95 30 30 25 345
Rhydon gro roc 105 130 120 45 45 40 485
Wooper wat gro 55 45 45 25 25 15 210
Quagsire wat gro 95 85 85 65 65 35 430
Gligar gro fly 65 75 105 35 65 85 430
Steelix ste gro 75 85 200 55 65 30 510
Swinub ice gro 50 50 40 30 30 50 250
Piloswine ice gro 100 100 80 60 60 50 450
Phanpy gro - 90 60 60 40 40 40 330
Donphan gro - 90 120 120 60 60 50 500
Larvitar roc gro 50 64 50 45 50 41 300
Pupitar roc gro 70 84 70 65 70 51 410
Marshtomp wat gro 70 85 70 60 70 50 405
Swampert wat gro 100 110 90 85 90 60 535
Nincada bug gro 31 45 90 30 30 40 266
Numel fir gro 60 60 40 65 45 35 305
Camerupt fir gro 70 100 70 105 75 40 460
Trapinch gro - 45 100 45 45 45 10 290
Vibrava gro dra 50 70 50 50 50 70 340
Flygon gro dra 80 100 80 80 80 100 520
Barboach wat gro 50 48 43 46 41 60 288
Whiscash wat gro 110 78 73 76 71 60 468
Baltoy gro psy 40 40 55 40 70 55 300
Claydol gro psy 60 70 105 70 120 75 500
Groudon gro - 100 150 140 100 90 90 670
Torterra gra gro 95 109 105 75 85 56 525
Gastrodon wat gro 111 83 68 92 82 39 475
Gible dra gro 58 70 45 40 45 42 300
Gabite dra gro 68 90 65 50 55 82 410
Garchomp dra gro 108 130 95 80 85 102 600
Hippopotas gro - 68 72 78 38 42 32 330
Hippowdon gro - 108 112 118 68 72 47 525
Rhyperior gro roc 115 140 130 55 55 40 535
Gliscor gro fly 75 95 125 45 75 95 510
Mamoswine ice gro 110 130 80 70 60 80 530
Drilbur gro - 60 85 40 30 45 68 328
Excadrill gro ste 110 135 60 50 65 88 508
Palpitoad wat gro 75 65 55 65 55 69 384
Seismitoad wat gro 105 95 75 85 75 74 509
Sandile gro dar 50 72 35 35 35 65 292
Krokorok gro dar 60 82 45 45 45 74 351
Krookodile gro dar 95 117 80 65 70 92 519
Stunfisk gro ele 109 66 84 81 99 32 471
Golett gro gho 59 74 50 35 50 35 303
Golurk gro gho 89 124 80 55 80 55 483
Landorus gro fly 89 125 90 115 80 101 600
Diggersby nor gro 85 56 77 50 77 78 423
Zygarde dra gro 108 100 121 81 95 95 600