It's a me, Krokorok!

The Fighting Type Pokémon List

All Fighting type Pokémon are displayed in the table below. Sorting is available to filter out type combinations. Click a type in the filter below will show all Pokémon that have the Fighting type as well as whatever type you clicked. To view only Fighting Pokémon, click Fighting in the sort menu. If no Pokémon appear in the list, it means that combination does not exist (yet!).

  • Click rows below to select them.
There are 44 Pokémon that are currently shown in the table.
Name Type(s) HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed Total
Mankey fig - 40 80 35 35 45 70 305
Primeape fig - 65 105 60 60 70 95 455
Poliwrath wat fig 90 95 95 70 90 70 510
Machop fig - 70 80 50 35 35 35 305
Machoke fig - 80 100 70 50 60 45 405
Machamp fig - 90 130 80 65 85 55 505
Hitmonlee fig - 50 120 53 35 110 87 455
Hitmonchan fig - 50 105 79 35 110 76 455
Heracross bug fig 80 125 75 40 95 85 500
Tyrogue fig - 35 35 35 35 35 35 210
Hitmontop fig - 50 95 95 35 110 70 455
Combusken fir fig 60 85 60 85 60 55 405
Blaziken fir fig 80 120 70 110 70 80 530
Breloom gra fig 60 130 80 60 60 70 460
Makuhita fig - 72 60 30 20 30 25 237
Hariyama fig - 144 120 60 40 60 50 474
Meditite fig psy 30 40 55 40 55 60 280
Medicham fig psy 60 60 75 60 75 80 410
Monferno fir fig 64 78 52 78 52 81 405
Infernape fir fig 76 104 71 104 71 108 534
Riolu fig - 40 70 40 35 40 60 285
Lucario fig ste 70 110 70 115 70 90 525
Croagunk poi fig 48 61 40 61 40 50 300
Toxicroak poi fig 83 106 65 86 65 85 490
Gallade psy fig 68 125 65 65 115 80 518
Pignite fir fig 90 93 55 70 55 55 418
Emboar fir fig 110 123 65 100 65 65 528
Timburr fig - 75 80 55 25 35 35 305
Gurdurr fig - 85 105 85 40 50 40 405
Conkeldurr fig - 105 140 95 55 65 45 505
Throh fig - 120 100 85 30 85 45 465
Sawk fig - 75 125 75 30 75 85 465
Scraggy dar fig 50 75 70 35 70 48 348
Scrafty dar fig 65 90 115 45 115 58 488
Mienfoo fig - 45 85 50 55 50 65 350
Mienshao fig - 65 125 60 95 60 105 510
Cobalion ste fig 91 90 129 90 72 108 580
Terrakion roc fig 91 129 90 72 90 108 580
Virizion gra fig 91 90 72 90 129 108 580
Keldeo wat fig 91 72 90 129 90 108 580
Chesnaught gra fig 88 107 122 74 75 64 530
Pancham fig - 67 82 62 46 48 43 348
Pangoro fig dar 95 124 78 69 71 58 495
Hawlucha fig fly 78 92 77 74 63 118 502