Thank you Ledyba! But our princess is in another castle!

The Ice Type Pokémon List

All Ice type Pokémon are displayed in the table below. Sorting is available to filter out type combinations. Click a type in the filter below will show all Pokémon that have the Ice type as well as whatever type you clicked. To view only Ice Pokémon, click Ice in the sort menu. If no Pokémon appear in the list, it means that combination does not exist (yet!).

  • Click rows below to select them.
There are 33 Pokémon that are currently shown in the table.
Name Type(s) HP Attack Defense Sp. Atk Sp. Def Speed Total
Dewgong wat ice 90 70 80 70 95 70 475
Cloyster wat ice 50 95 180 85 45 70 525
Jynx ice psy 65 50 35 115 95 95 455
Lapras wat ice 130 85 80 85 95 60 535
Articuno ice fly 90 85 100 95 125 85 580
Sneasel dar ice 55 95 55 35 75 115 430
Swinub ice gro 50 50 40 30 30 50 250
Piloswine ice gro 100 100 80 60 60 50 450
Delibird ice fly 45 55 45 65 45 75 330
Smoochum ice psy 45 30 15 85 65 65 305
Snorunt ice - 50 50 50 50 50 50 300
Glalie ice - 80 80 80 80 80 80 480
Spheal ice wat 70 40 50 55 50 25 290
Sealeo ice wat 90 60 70 75 70 45 410
Walrein ice wat 110 80 90 95 90 65 530
Regice ice - 80 50 100 100 200 50 580
Snover gra ice 60 62 50 62 60 40 334
Abomasnow gra ice 90 92 75 92 85 60 494
Weavile dar ice 70 120 65 45 85 125 510
Glaceon ice - 65 60 110 130 95 65 525
Mamoswine ice gro 110 130 80 70 60 80 530
Froslass ice gho 70 80 70 80 70 110 480
Vanillite ice - 36 50 50 65 60 44 305
Vanillish ice - 51 65 65 80 75 59 395
Vanilluxe ice - 71 95 85 110 95 79 535
Cubchoo ice - 55 70 40 60 40 40 305
Beartic ice - 95 110 80 70 80 50 485
Cryogonal ice - 70 50 30 95 135 105 485
Kyurem dra ice 125 130 90 130 90 95 660
Amaura roc ice 77 59 50 67 63 46 362
Aurorus roc ice 123 77 72 99 92 58 521
Bergmite ice - 56 69 86 32 36 28 307
Avalugg ice - 95 117 184 44 46 28 514