I know now, without a doubt, Milotic is light!

Defog - Pokémon Move

The Pokémon move Defog. Information on which Pokémon are able to learn the move as well as its description can be found below, organized by name and generation. For a complete list of all the Pokémon moves, check out our complete move list.

  • Defog
  • flying
  • No Damage.
  • Power: -
  • PP: 15
  • Accuracy: -
A strong wind blows away the target's barriers such as Reflect or Light Screen. This also lowers the targe's evasiveness.

Learnt By Leveling Up

Name DiaPea Pla HeaSou BlaWhi B2W2 XY
Ducklett lvl 6 lvl 6 lvl 6
Swanna Basic lvl 6 lvl 6
Rufflet lvl 32 lvl 32 lvl 32
Braviary lvl 32 lvl 32 lvl 32
Vullaby lvl 32 lvl 32 lvl 32
Mandibuzz lvl 32 lvl 32 lvl 32

Learnt By HM (Hidden Machine)

Name DiaPea Pla
Charizard HM 05 HM 05
Butterfree HM 05 HM 05
Beedrill HM 05 HM 05
Pidgey HM 05 HM 05
Pidgeotto HM 05 HM 05
Pidgeot HM 05 HM 05
Spearow HM 05 HM 05
Fearow HM 05 HM 05
Zubat HM 05 HM 05
Golbat HM 05 HM 05
Venomoth HM 05 HM 05
Farfetch'd HM 05 HM 05
Scyther HM 05 HM 05
Aerodactyl HM 05 HM 05
Articuno HM 05 HM 05
Zapdos HM 05 HM 05
Moltres HM 05 HM 05
Dragonite HM 05 HM 05
Mew HM 05 HM 05
Hoothoot HM 05 HM 05
Noctowl HM 05 HM 05
Crobat HM 05 HM 05
Togetic HM 05 HM 05
Xatu HM 05 HM 05
Yanma HM 05 HM 05
Murkrow HM 05 HM 05
Gligar HM 05 HM 05
Scizor HM 05 HM 05
Delibird HM 05 HM 05
Mantine HM 05 HM 05
Skarmory HM 05 HM 05
Lugia HM 05 HM 05
Ho-Oh HM 05 HM 05
Beautifly HM 05 HM 05
Dustox HM 05 HM 05
Shiftry HM 05 HM 05
Taillow HM 05 HM 05
Swellow HM 05 HM 05
Wingull HM 05 HM 05
Pelipper HM 05 HM 05
Masquerain HM 05 HM 05
Ninjask HM 05 HM 05
Vibrava HM 05 HM 05
Flygon HM 05 HM 05
Tropius HM 05 HM 05
Salamence HM 05 HM 05
Latias HM 05 HM 05
Latios HM 05 HM 05
Piplup HM 05 HM 05
Prinplup HM 05 HM 05
Empoleon HM 05 HM 05
Starly HM 05 HM 05
Staravia HM 05 HM 05
Staraptor HM 05 HM 05
Mothim HM 05 HM 05
Vespiquen HM 05 HM 05
Drifloon HM 05 HM 05
Drifblim HM 05 HM 05
Honchkrow HM 05 HM 05
Stunky HM 05 HM 05
Skuntank HM 05 HM 05
Chatot HM 05 HM 05
Finneon HM 05 HM 05
Lumineon HM 05 HM 05
Togekiss HM 05 HM 05
Yanmega HM 05 HM 05
Gliscor HM 05 HM 05
Giratina HM 05 HM 05
Arceus HM 05 HM 05

Learnt By Egg Hatching

Name DiaPea Pla HeaSou BlaWhi B2W2 XY