Open the pod bay doors, Weavile.


The Hostile Pokémon

Height: 4'7" (1.4m) Weight: 110lbs (50kg)


  • N: #634
  • U: #274
  • K(Mntn): #143
  • Zweilous's Damage Multipliers

  • Zweilous's Base Stats

    • HP
    • Attack
    • Defense
    • Sp. Attack
    • Sp. Defense
    • Speed
    • Total:
  • Zweilous Evolution Chart

    Basic Stage 1 Stage 2
  • Zweilous's Abilities

    • Gen V
    • Gen VI
    Hustle Boosts the Attack stat, but lowers accuracy.
    Hustle Boosts the Attack stat, but lowers accuracy.
  • Zweilous Level Up Move List

    • Gen V
    • Gen VI
    bw Name Type PP Pwr. Acc. Class Definition
    64 Hyper Voice nor 10 90 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The user lets loose a horribly echoing shout with the power to inflict damage.
    4 Focus Energy nor 30 - - No Damage. Focuses power to raise the critical-hit ratio.
    32 Dragon Pulse dra 10 85 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The target is attacked with a shock wave generated by the user?s gaping mouth.
    48 Body Slam nor 15 85 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def A full-body slam that may cause paralysis.
    42 Dragon Rush dra 10 100 75% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user tackles the foe while exhibiting overwhelming menace. It may also make the target flinch.
    20 Roar nor 20 - - No Damage. Makes the foe flee to end the battle.
    25 Crunch dar 15 80 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may lower SPCL.DEF.
    12 Headbutt nor 15 70 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may make foe flinch.
    28 Slam nor 20 80 75% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The target is slammed with a long tail, vines, etc., to inflict damage.
    38 Work Up nor 30 - - No Damage. The user is roused, and its Attack and Sp. Atk stats increase.
    17 Dragon Breath dra 20 60 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The user exhales a mighty gust that inflicts damage. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
    55 Scary Face nor 10 - 100% No Damage. The user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly reduce its Speed stat.
    - Bite dar 25 60 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may cause flinching.
    - Double Hit nor 10 35 90% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user slams the foe with a tail, etc. The target is hit twice in a row.
    - Dragon Rage dra 10 - 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def This attack hits the target with a shock wave of pure rage. This attack always inflicts 40 HP damage.
    - Focus Energy nor 30 - - No Damage. Focuses power to raise the critical-hit ratio.
    71 Outrage dra 10 120 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. It then becomes confused, however.
    9 Bite dar 25 60 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may cause flinching.
    b2w2 Name Type PP Pwr. Acc. Class Definition
    64 Hyper Voice nor 10 90 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The user lets loose a horribly echoing shout with the power to inflict damage.
    4 Focus Energy nor 30 - - No Damage. Focuses power to raise the critical-hit ratio.
    32 Dragon Pulse dra 10 85 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The target is attacked with a shock wave generated by the user?s gaping mouth.
    48 Body Slam nor 15 85 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def A full-body slam that may cause paralysis.
    42 Dragon Rush dra 10 100 75% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user tackles the foe while exhibiting overwhelming menace. It may also make the target flinch.
    20 Roar nor 20 - - No Damage. Makes the foe flee to end the battle.
    25 Crunch dar 15 80 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may lower SPCL.DEF.
    12 Headbutt nor 15 70 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may make foe flinch.
    28 Slam nor 20 80 75% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The target is slammed with a long tail, vines, etc., to inflict damage.
    38 Work Up nor 30 - - No Damage. The user is roused, and its Attack and Sp. Atk stats increase.
    17 Dragon Breath dra 20 60 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The user exhales a mighty gust that inflicts damage. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
    55 Scary Face nor 10 - 100% No Damage. The user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly reduce its Speed stat.
    - Bite dar 25 60 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may cause flinching.
    - Double Hit nor 10 35 90% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user slams the foe with a tail, etc. The target is hit twice in a row.
    - Dragon Rage dra 10 - 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def This attack hits the target with a shock wave of pure rage. This attack always inflicts 40 HP damage.
    - Focus Energy nor 30 - - No Damage. Focuses power to raise the critical-hit ratio.
    71 Outrage dra 10 120 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. It then becomes confused, however.
    9 Bite dar 25 60 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may cause flinching.
    xy Name Type PP Pwr. Acc. Class Definition
    64 Hyper Voice nor 10 90 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The user lets loose a horribly echoing shout with the power to inflict damage.
    4 Focus Energy nor 30 - - No Damage. Focuses power to raise the critical-hit ratio.
    32 Dragon Pulse dra 10 85 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The target is attacked with a shock wave generated by the user?s gaping mouth.
    48 Body Slam nor 15 85 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def A full-body slam that may cause paralysis.
    42 Dragon Rush dra 10 100 75% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user tackles the foe while exhibiting overwhelming menace. It may also make the target flinch.
    20 Roar nor 20 - - No Damage. Makes the foe flee to end the battle.
    25 Crunch dar 15 80 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may lower SPCL.DEF.
    12 Headbutt nor 15 70 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may make foe flinch.
    28 Slam nor 20 80 75% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The target is slammed with a long tail, vines, etc., to inflict damage.
    38 Work Up nor 30 - - No Damage. The user is roused, and its Attack and Sp. Atk stats increase.
    17 Dragon Breath dra 20 60 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The user exhales a mighty gust that inflicts damage. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
    55 Scary Face nor 10 - 100% No Damage. The user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly reduce its Speed stat.
    - Bite dar 25 60 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may cause flinching.
    - Double Hit nor 10 35 90% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user slams the foe with a tail, etc. The target is hit twice in a row.
    - Dragon Rage dra 10 - 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def This attack hits the target with a shock wave of pure rage. This attack always inflicts 40 HP damage.
    - Focus Energy nor 30 - - No Damage. Focuses power to raise the critical-hit ratio.
    71 Outrage dra 10 120 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. It then becomes confused, however.
    9 Bite dar 25 60 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may cause flinching.
  • Zweilous TM Move List

    • Gen V
    • Gen VI
    bw Name Type PP Pwr. Acc. Class Definition
    TM045 Attract nor 15 - 100% No Damage. If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack.
    TM032 Double Team nor 15 - - No Damage. By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
    TM082 Dragon Tail dra 10 60 90% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user knocks away the target and drags out another Pokémon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.
    TM042 Facade nor 20 70 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack move that doubles its power if the user is poisoned, burned, or has paralysis.
    TM021 Frustration nor 20 - 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def A full-power attack that grows more powerful the less the user likes its Trainer.
    TM010 Hidden Power nor 15 60 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def A unique attack that varies in type depending on the Pokémon using it.
    TM059 Incinerate fir 15 60 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The user attacks the target with fire. If the target is holding a Berry, the Berry becomes burnt up and unusable.
    TM017 Protect nor 10 - - No Damage. Enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
    TM077 Psych Up nor 10 - - No Damage. Copies the foe's effect(s) and gives to the user.
    TM018 Rain Dance wat 5 - - No Damage. The user summons a heavy rain that falls for five turns, powering up Water-type moves.
    TM044 Rest psy 10 - - No Damage. The user goes to sleep for two turns. This fully restores the user's HP and heals any status conditions.
    TM027 Return nor 20 - 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def A full power attack that grows more powerful the more the user likes its trainer.
    TM005 Roar nor 20 - - No Damage. Makes the foe flee to end the battle.
    TM094 Rock Smash fig 15 40 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may lower DEFENSE.
    TM048 Round nor 15 60 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The user attacks with a song. Others can join in the Round and make the attack do greater damage.
    TM090 Substitute nor 10 - - No Damage. The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy serves as the user's decoy.
    TM011 Sunny Day fir 5 - - No Damage. The user intensifies the sun for five turns, powering up Fire-type moves.
    TM087 Swagger nor 15 - 90% No Damage. The user enrages and confuses the target. However, this also sharply raises the target's Attack stat.
    TM012 Taunt dar 20 - 100% No Damage. The target is taunted into a rage that allows it to use only attack moves for three turns.
    TM046 Thief dar 25 60 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may steal a held item.
    TM073 Thunder Wave ele 20 - 100% No Damage. A weak electric charge is launched at the target. It causes paralysis if it hits.
    TM041 Torment dar 15 - 100% No Damage. The user torments and enrages the target, making it incapable of using the same move twice in a row.
    TM006 Toxic poi 10 - 90% No Damage. A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
    TM083 Work Up nor 30 - - No Damage. The user is roused, and its Attack and Sp. Atk stats increase.
    b2w2 Name Type PP Pwr. Acc. Class Definition
    TM045 Attract nor 15 - 100% No Damage. If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack.
    TM032 Double Team nor 15 - - No Damage. By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
    TM082 Dragon Tail dra 10 60 90% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user knocks away the target and drags out another Pokémon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.
    TM042 Facade nor 20 70 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack move that doubles its power if the user is poisoned, burned, or has paralysis.
    TM021 Frustration nor 20 - 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def A full-power attack that grows more powerful the less the user likes its Trainer.
    TM010 Hidden Power nor 15 60 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def A unique attack that varies in type depending on the Pokémon using it.
    TM059 Incinerate fir 15 60 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The user attacks the target with fire. If the target is holding a Berry, the Berry becomes burnt up and unusable.
    TM017 Protect nor 10 - - No Damage. Enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
    TM077 Psych Up nor 10 - - No Damage. Copies the foe's effect(s) and gives to the user.
    TM018 Rain Dance wat 5 - - No Damage. The user summons a heavy rain that falls for five turns, powering up Water-type moves.
    TM044 Rest psy 10 - - No Damage. The user goes to sleep for two turns. This fully restores the user's HP and heals any status conditions.
    TM027 Return nor 20 - 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def A full power attack that grows more powerful the more the user likes its trainer.
    TM005 Roar nor 20 - - No Damage. Makes the foe flee to end the battle.
    TM094 Rock Smash fig 15 40 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may lower DEFENSE.
    TM048 Round nor 15 60 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The user attacks with a song. Others can join in the Round and make the attack do greater damage.
    TM090 Substitute nor 10 - - No Damage. The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy serves as the user's decoy.
    TM011 Sunny Day fir 5 - - No Damage. The user intensifies the sun for five turns, powering up Fire-type moves.
    TM087 Swagger nor 15 - 90% No Damage. The user enrages and confuses the target. However, this also sharply raises the target's Attack stat.
    TM012 Taunt dar 20 - 100% No Damage. The target is taunted into a rage that allows it to use only attack moves for three turns.
    TM046 Thief dar 25 60 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may steal a held item.
    TM073 Thunder Wave ele 20 - 100% No Damage. A weak electric charge is launched at the target. It causes paralysis if it hits.
    TM041 Torment dar 15 - 100% No Damage. The user torments and enrages the target, making it incapable of using the same move twice in a row.
    TM006 Toxic poi 10 - 90% No Damage. A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
    TM083 Work Up nor 30 - - No Damage. The user is roused, and its Attack and Sp. Atk stats increase.
    xy Name Type PP Pwr. Acc. Class Definition
    TM045 Attract nor 15 - 100% No Damage. If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack.
    TM100 Confide nor 20 - - No Damage. The user tells the target a secret, and the target loses its ability to concentrate. This lowers the target's Sp. Atk stat.
    TM097 Dark Pulse dar 15 80 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The user releases a horrible aura imbued with dark thoughts. It may also make the target flinch.
    TM032 Double Team nor 15 - - No Damage. By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
    TM082 Dragon Tail dra 10 60 90% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user knocks away the target and drags out another Pokémon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.
    TM042 Facade nor 20 70 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack move that doubles its power if the user is poisoned, burned, or has paralysis.
    TM021 Frustration nor 20 - 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def A full-power attack that grows more powerful the less the user likes its Trainer.
    TM010 Hidden Power nor 15 60 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def A unique attack that varies in type depending on the Pokémon using it.
    TM059 Incinerate fir 15 60 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The user attacks the target with fire. If the target is holding a Berry, the Berry becomes burnt up and unusable.
    TM017 Protect nor 10 - - No Damage. Enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
    TM077 Psych Up nor 10 - - No Damage. Copies the foe's effect(s) and gives to the user.
    TM018 Rain Dance wat 5 - - No Damage. The user summons a heavy rain that falls for five turns, powering up Water-type moves.
    TM044 Rest psy 10 - - No Damage. The user goes to sleep for two turns. This fully restores the user's HP and heals any status conditions.
    TM027 Return nor 20 - 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def A full power attack that grows more powerful the more the user likes its trainer.
    TM005 Roar nor 20 - - No Damage. Makes the foe flee to end the battle.
    TM094 Rock Smash fig 15 40 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may lower DEFENSE.
    TM048 Round nor 15 60 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The user attacks with a song. Others can join in the Round and make the attack do greater damage.
    TM088 Sleep Talk nor 10 - - No Damage. While it is asleep, the user randomly uses one of the moves it knows.
    TM090 Substitute nor 10 - - No Damage. The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy serves as the user's decoy.
    TM011 Sunny Day fir 5 - - No Damage. The user intensifies the sun for five turns, powering up Fire-type moves.
    TM087 Swagger nor 15 - 90% No Damage. The user enrages and confuses the target. However, this also sharply raises the target's Attack stat.
    TM012 Taunt dar 20 - 100% No Damage. The target is taunted into a rage that allows it to use only attack moves for three turns.
    TM046 Thief dar 25 60 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def An attack that may steal a held item.
    TM073 Thunder Wave ele 20 - 100% No Damage. A weak electric charge is launched at the target. It causes paralysis if it hits.
    TM041 Torment dar 15 - 100% No Damage. The user torments and enrages the target, making it incapable of using the same move twice in a row.
    TM006 Toxic poi 10 - 90% No Damage. A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
  • Zweilous HM Move List

    • Gen V
    • Gen VI
    bw Name Type PP Pwr. Acc. Class Definition
    HM04 Strength nor 15 80 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def A powerful physi-cal attack.
    b2w2 Name Type PP Pwr. Acc. Class Definition
    HM04 Strength nor 15 80 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def A powerful physi-cal attack.
    xy Name Type PP Pwr. Acc. Class Definition
    HM04 Strength nor 15 80 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def A powerful physi-cal attack.
  • Zweilous Tutor Move List

    • Gen V
    • Gen VI
    bw Name Type PP Pwr. Acc. Class Definition
    Draco Meteor dra 5 130 90% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def Comets are summoned down from the sky onto the target. The attack's recoil harshly reduces the user's Sp. Atk stat.
    b2w2 Name Type PP Pwr. Acc. Class Definition
    Aqua Tail wat 10 90 90% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user attacks by swinging its tail as if it were a vicious wave in a raging storm.
    Dark Pulse dar 15 80 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The user releases a horrible aura imbued with dark thoughts. It may also make the target flinch.
    Draco Meteor dra 5 130 90% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def Comets are summoned down from the sky onto the target. The attack's recoil harshly reduces the user's Sp. Atk stat.
    Dragon Pulse dra 10 85 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The target is attacked with a shock wave generated by the user?s gaping mouth.
    Earth Power gro 10 90 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def -
    Hyper Voice nor 10 90 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def The user lets loose a horribly echoing shout with the power to inflict damage.
    Outrage dra 10 120 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. It then becomes confused, however.
    Sleep Talk nor 10 - - No Damage. While it is asleep, the user randomly uses one of the moves it knows.
    Snore nor 15 50 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def -
    Spite gho 10 - 100% No Damage. The user unleashes its grudge on the move last used by the target by cutting 4 PP from it.
    Superpower fig 5 120 100% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def The user attacks the foe with great power. However, it also lowers the user's Attack and Defense.
    Uproar nor 10 90 100% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def -
    Zen Headbutt psy 15 80 90% Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def -
    xy Name Type PP Pwr. Acc. Class Definition
    Draco Meteor dra 5 130 90% Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def Comets are summoned down from the sky onto the target. The attack's recoil harshly reduces the user's Sp. Atk stat.
  • Zweilous Egg Move List

    Zweilous does learn any moves by egg hatching.
  • Zweilous's Egg Group