A winner is Lopunny!

Wide Guard - Pokémon Move

The Pokémon move Wide Guard. Information on which Pokémon are able to learn the move as well as its description can be found below, organized by name and generation. For a complete list of all the Pokémon moves, check out our complete move list.

  • Wide Guard
  • rock
  • No Damage.
  • Power: -
  • PP: 10
  • Accuracy: -
The user and its allies are protected from wide-ranging attacks for one turn.

Learnt By Leveling Up

Name BlaWhi B2W2 XY
Machamp Basic Basic Basic
Kingler Basic Basic Basic
Hitmonlee lvl 41 lvl 41 lvl 41
Mr. Mime Basic Basic Basic
Mantine lvl 23 lvl 23
Hitmontop lvl 46 lvl 46 lvl 46
Mantyke lvl 23 lvl 23
Regigigas lvl 40 lvl 40 lvl 40
Throh lvl 45 lvl 45 lvl 45
Tirtouga lvl 25 lvl 25 lvl 25
Carracosta lvl 25 lvl 25 lvl 25
Alomomola lvl 53 lvl 53 Basic
Mienshao lvl 45 lvl 45 lvl 45

Learnt By Egg Hatching