Keep your friends close, but your Accelgor closer.

Spit Up - Pokémon Move

The Pokémon move Spit Up. Information on which Pokémon are able to learn the move as well as its description can be found below, organized by name and generation. For a complete list of all the Pokémon moves, check out our complete move list.

  • Spit Up
  • normal
  • Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def
  • Power: 1
  • PP: 10
  • Accuracy: 100%
The power stored using the move Stockpile is released at once in an attack. The more power is stored, the greater the move's power.

Learnt By Leveling Up

Name RubSap Eme FirLea DiaPea Pla HeaSou BlaWhi B2W2 XY
Ekans lvl 37 lvl 37 lvl 37 lvl 25 lvl 25 lvl 25 lvl 25 lvl 25 lvl 25
Arbok lvl 46 lvl 46 lvl 46 lvl 28 lvl 28 lvl 28 lvl 27 lvl 27 lvl 27
Victreebel Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic
Lanturn lvl 27 lvl 27 lvl 27 lvl 27 lvl 27 lvl 27
Qwilfish lvl 25 lvl 25 lvl 25 lvl 25 lvl 25 lvl 25
Pelipper lvl 47 lvl 47 lvl 47 lvl 38 lvl 38 lvl 38 lvl 38 lvl 39 lvl 39
Mawile lvl 46 lvl 46 lvl 46 lvl 51 lvl 51 lvl 51 lvl 51 lvl 51 lvl 50
Gulpin lvl 34 lvl 34 lvl 34 lvl 34 lvl 34 lvl 34 lvl 39 lvl 39 lvl 39
Swalot lvl 40 lvl 40 lvl 40 lvl 38 lvl 38 lvl 38 lvl 45 lvl 45 lvl 45
Lileep lvl 50 lvl 50 lvl 50 lvl 57 lvl 57 lvl 57 lvl 57 lvl 57 lvl 57
Cradily lvl 60 lvl 60 lvl 60 lvl 66 lvl 66 lvl 66 lvl 66 lvl 66 lvl 66
Drifloon lvl 27 lvl 27 lvl 27 lvl 30 lvl 32 lvl 32
Drifblim lvl 27 lvl 27 lvl 27 lvl 32 lvl 34 lvl 34
Carnivine lvl 31 lvl 31 lvl 31 lvl 37 lvl 37 lvl 37
Heatmor lvl 56 lvl 56 lvl 50

Learnt By Egg Hatching

Name RubSap Eme FirLea DiaPea Pla HeaSou BlaWhi B2W2 XY