Mama always said life was like a box of Psyduck. You never know what you're gonna get.

Hammer Arm - Pokémon Move

The Pokémon move Hammer Arm. Information on which Pokémon are able to learn the move as well as its description can be found below, organized by name and generation. For a complete list of all the Pokémon moves, check out our complete move list.

  • Hammer Arm
  • fighting
  • Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def
  • Power: 100
  • PP: 10
  • Accuracy: 90%
The user swings and hits with its strong and heavy fist. It lowers the user's Speed, however.

Learnt By Leveling Up

Name DiaPea Pla HeaSou BlaWhi B2W2 XY
Rhydon lvl 42 lvl 42 lvl 42 lvl 42 lvl 42 lvl 42
Sudowoodo lvl 49 lvl 49 lvl 49 lvl 49 lvl 47 lvl 47
Ursaring lvl 67 lvl 67 lvl 67 lvl 67 lvl 67 lvl 67
Swampert lvl 69 lvl 69 lvl 69 lvl 69 lvl 69 lvl 69
Slaking lvl 61 lvl 61 lvl 61 lvl 67 lvl 67 lvl 67
Metagross lvl 45 lvl 45 lvl 45 lvl 45 lvl 45 lvl 45
Regirock lvl 81 lvl 81 lvl 81 lvl 81 lvl 81 lvl 81
Regice lvl 81 lvl 81 lvl 81 lvl 81 lvl 81 lvl 81
Registeel lvl 81 lvl 81 lvl 81 lvl 81 lvl 81 lvl 81
Groudon lvl 20 lvl 20 lvl 20 lvl 20
Rhyperior lvl 42 lvl 42 lvl 42 lvl 42 lvl 42 lvl 42
Emboar Basic Basic Basic
Timburr lvl 40 lvl 40 lvl 40
Gurdurr lvl 45 lvl 45 lvl 45
Conkeldurr lvl 45 lvl 45 lvl 45
Darmanitan lvl 35 lvl 35 lvl 35
Golett lvl 50 lvl 50 lvl 50
Golurk lvl 60 lvl 60 lvl 60
Tornadus lvl 79 lvl 79 lvl 79
Thundurus lvl 79 lvl 79 lvl 79
Landorus lvl 79 lvl 79 lvl 79
Chesnaught lvl 60
Diggersby lvl 60
Pangoro lvl 57

Learnt By Egg Hatching

Name DiaPea Pla HeaSou BlaWhi B2W2 XY