You're gonna need a bigger Genesect.

Dragon Tail - Pokémon Move

The Pokémon move Dragon Tail. Information on which Pokémon are able to learn the move as well as its description can be found below, organized by name and generation. For a complete list of all the Pokémon moves, check out our complete move list.

  • Dragon Tail
  • dragon
  • Physical Attack, damage based on Atk and Def
  • Power: 60
  • PP: 10
  • Accuracy: 90%
The target is knocked away, and a different Pokémon is dragged out. In the wild, this ends a battle against a single Pokémon.

Learnt By Leveling Up

Name BlaWhi B2W2 XY
Dratini lvl 31 lvl 31 lvl 31
Dragonair lvl 33 lvl 33 lvl 33
Dragonite lvl 33 lvl 33 lvl 33
Flygon lvl 65 lvl 45 lvl 45
Salamence lvl 80 lvl 80 lvl 80
Druddigon lvl 45 lvl 45 lvl 45
Dragalge Basic
Tyrunt lvl 30
Tyrantrum lvl 30

Learnt By TM (Technical Machine)

Name BlaWhi B2W2 XY
Charizard TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Blastoise TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Arbok TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Nidoqueen TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Nidoking TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Onix TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Lickitung TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Rhydon TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Gyarados TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Dratini TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Dragonair TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Dragonite TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Mew TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Meganium TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Feraligatr TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Slowking TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Steelix TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Tyranitar TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Lugia TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Aggron TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Flygon TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Seviper TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Milotic TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Salamence TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Groudon TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Rayquaza TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Rampardos TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Garchomp TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Lickilicky TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Rhyperior TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Dialga TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Palkia TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Giratina TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Serperior TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Samurott TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Krookodile TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Scraggy TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Scrafty TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Archeops TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Eelektross TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Fraxure TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Haxorus TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Druddigon TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Deino TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Zweilous TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Hydreigon TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Reshiram TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Zekrom TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Kyurem TM 82 TM 82 TM 82 TM 82
Dragalge TM 82 TM 82
Helioptile TM 82 TM 82
Heliolisk TM 82 TM 82
Tyrunt TM 82 TM 82
Tyrantrum TM 82 TM 82
Amaura TM 82 TM 82
Aurorus TM 82 TM 82
Goodra TM 82 TM 82
Zygarde TM 82 TM 82