Sorry, Venomoth, the princess is in another castle.

Telepathy - Pokémon Ability

The Pokémon ability Telepathy. Information on which Pokémon have the ability as well as its description can be found below, organized by name and generation. For a complete list of all the Pokémon abilities, check out our complete abilities list.

  • Telepathy
Anticipates an ally's attack and dodges it.

These Pokémon Have Telepathy

Name Gen V Gen VI
Wobbuffet Hidden Hidden
Ralts Hidden Hidden
Kirlia Hidden Hidden
Gardevoir Hidden Hidden
Meditite Hidden Hidden
Medicham Hidden Hidden
Wynaut Hidden Hidden
Dialga Hidden Hidden
Palkia Hidden Hidden
Giratina Hidden Hidden
Munna Hidden Hidden
Musharna Hidden Hidden
Noibat Hidden Hidden
Noivern Hidden Hidden