May the Bastiodon be with you.

Sonic Boom - Pokémon Move

The Pokémon move Sonic Boom. Information on which Pokémon are able to learn the move as well as its description can be found below, organized by name and generation. For a complete list of all the Pokémon moves, check out our complete move list.

  • Sonic Boom
  • normal
  • Special Attack, damage based on Sp.Atk and Sp.Def
  • Power: 1
  • PP: 20
  • Accuracy: 90%
The target is hit with a destructive shock wave that always inflicts 20 HP damage.

Learnt By Leveling Up

Name RedBlu Yel GolSil Cry RubSap Eme FirLea DiaPea Pla HeaSou BlaWhi B2W2 XY
Magnemite lvl 21 lvl 21 lvl 16 lvl 16 lvl 16 lvl 16 lvl 16 lvl 14 lvl 14 lvl 14 lvl 14 lvl 11 lvl 11
Magneton lvl 21 lvl 21 lvl 16 lvl 16 lvl 16 lvl 16 lvl 16 lvl 14 lvl 14 lvl 14 lvl 14 lvl 11 Basic
Voltorb lvl 17 lvl 17 lvl 17 lvl 17 lvl 15 lvl 15 lvl 15 lvl 8 lvl 8 lvl 8 lvl 8 lvl 8 lvl 8
Electrode lvl 17 lvl 17 lvl 17 lvl 17 lvl 15 lvl 15 lvl 15 lvl 8 lvl 8 lvl 8 lvl 8 lvl 8 Basic
Yanma lvl 19 lvl 19 lvl 19 lvl 19 lvl 17 lvl 14 lvl 14 lvl 14 lvl 14 lvl 14 lvl 14
Vibrava Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic
Flygon Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic
Buizel Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic
Floatzel Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic
Magnezone lvl 14 lvl 14 lvl 14 lvl 14 lvl 11 Basic
Yanmega lvl 14 lvl 14 lvl 14 lvl 14 lvl 14 lvl 14

Learnt By Egg Hatching

Name RedBlu Yel GolSil Cry RubSap Eme FirLea DiaPea Pla HeaSou BlaWhi B2W2 XY