Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten Machamp into!

Cotton Spore - Pokémon Move

The Pokémon move Cotton Spore. Information on which Pokémon are able to learn the move as well as its description can be found below, organized by name and generation. For a complete list of all the Pokémon moves, check out our complete move list.

  • Cotton Spore
  • grass
  • No Damage.
  • Power: -
  • PP: 40
  • Accuracy: 100%
The user releases cotton-like spores that cling to the opposing Pokémon, which harshly lowers their Speed stats.

Learnt By Leveling Up

Name GolSil Cry RubSap Eme FirLea DiaPea Pla HeaSou BlaWhi B2W2 XY
Mareep lvl 23 lvl 23 lvl 23 lvl 23 lvl 23 lvl 19 lvl 19 lvl 19 lvl 19 lvl 11 lvl 11
Flaaffy lvl 27 lvl 27 lvl 27 lvl 27 lvl 27 lvl 20 lvl 20 lvl 20 lvl 20 lvl 11 lvl 11
Ampharos lvl 27 lvl 27 lvl 27 lvl 27 lvl 27 lvl 20 lvl 20 lvl 20 lvl 20 lvl 11 lvl 11
Hoppip lvl 25 lvl 25 lvl 25 lvl 25 lvl 25 lvl 28 lvl 28 lvl 28 lvl 34 lvl 34 lvl 34
Skiploom lvl 29 lvl 29 lvl 29 lvl 29 lvl 29 lvl 32 lvl 32 lvl 32 lvl 40 lvl 40 lvl 40
Jumpluff lvl 33 lvl 33 lvl 33 lvl 33 lvl 33 lvl 32 lvl 32 lvl 32 lvl 44 lvl 44 lvl 44
Cacnea lvl 41 lvl 41 lvl 41 lvl 49 lvl 49 lvl 49 lvl 49 lvl 49 lvl 49
Cacturne lvl 47 lvl 47 lvl 47 lvl 59 lvl 59 lvl 59 lvl 59 lvl 59 lvl 59
Cottonee lvl 17 lvl 17 lvl 17
Whimsicott Basic Basic Basic
Maractus lvl 18 lvl 18 lvl 18
Swirlix lvl 17
Slurpuff lvl 17

Learnt By Egg Hatching

Name GolSil Cry RubSap Eme FirLea DiaPea Pla HeaSou BlaWhi B2W2 XY